Westley Youngren

- Graduate Student
Contact Info
Biography —
Westley is a recent graduate of the University of Tulsa (2016), where he majored in Psychology. Westley joined Dr. Hamilton’s lab in fall 2016 and his research interests include the impact of sleep on health, with a special emphasize on posttraumatic nightmares and other parasomnias. Westley is a Clinical Psychology graduate student. He is currently on internship at the Canandaigua VA Medical Center in New York. Westley hopes to pursue a career in sleep research.
Selected Publications —
Youngren, W.A., Hamilton, N.A., & Preacher, J.K. (Under Revision). Assessing Triggers of Posttrauma Nightmares. Currently under review with The Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Youngren, W.A., Miller, K.E., & Davis, J.L. (2018). Medical practitioners’ knowledge of and treatment attitudes toward nightmares. TheJournal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.
Stillman, A.N., Youngren, W.A., Sisante, J.F.V., Billinger, S.A., Taylor, C. & Aupperle, R.L. (2016). Combat PTSD and implicit behavioral tendencies for positive affective stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, section Psychopathology.
Stillman, A.N., Youngren, W.A., Sisante, J.F.V., Billinger, S.A., Taylor, C. & Aupperle, R.L. (2016). Combat PTSD and implicit behavioral tendencies for positive affective stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, section Psychopathology.
Youngren, W.A., Stillman, A.N., & Aupperle, R.L. (Under Review). The Indirect Impact of Sleep on PTSD and Combat. Journal of Sleep Research.