Lauren Boddy

- Graduate Student
Contact Info
Biography —
Lauren is a student of the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program with a major area of study in Clinical Health Psychology. She completed a Master of Arts in Psychology at the University of Kansas (2017) and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Northern Illinois University (2014). She is a 2019 recipient of the Clinical and Professional Skills Award and the B. Kent Houston Award for Health Psychology Research. Her research interests include health psychology, sleep, women’s health, and perinatal mental health. Lauren joined the Hamilton Health Lab in August 2015 and plans to obtain postdoctoral fellow and faculty positions at an academic medical center after graduation.
Selected Publications —
Lelakowska, G., Kanya, M. J., Balassone, B., Savoree, S., Boddy, L. E., Power, T., & Bridgett, D. J. (in press). Toddler’s impulsivity, inhibitory control, and maternal eating-related supervision in relation to toddler BMI: Direct and interactive effects. Accepted for publication in Appetite.
Lillis, T. A., Hamilton, N. A., Pressman, S. D., Ziadni, M.S., Khou, C.S., Boddy, L. E., & Wagner, L. (2018). Sleep quality buffers the effects of negative social interactions on maternal mood in the 3-6 month postpartum period: A daily diary study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 41(5), 733-746.
Hamilton, N. A., Atchley, R. A., Boddy, L. E., Benau, E. M., & Freche, R. E. (2018). Emotion regulation and cognitive control in pain processing. In P. Karoly and G. Crombez (Eds.), Motivational Perspectives on Chronic Pain: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 99-142). New York: Oxford University Press.
Burt, N. M., Boddy, L. E., & Bridgett, D. J. (2015). Temperament contributions to eating disorder symptoms: Additive and interactive effects. Eating Behaviors, 18, 30-35.